

小女不才 占个tag

To 不姓王的老王
I am so glad I can celebrate your "16" year-old birthday!  
I don't have some special talents to show, but I just want to show my congratulation for you.
Therefore, I choose my specialty -"language ".
I know my English is not good enough, but I still want to do that.
It was my first to see you, when I was watching the video which was your first time playing with huyo.
Be honestly, I thought huyo was playing with real "Kris Wu",so I decided to watch it.
After I finished the video, I felt so amazing!! How can such a "liao" person in the world!!
So, I went to bilibili to watch more huyo's videos and lives.
You are the best guest,I really love you so much. (also and huyo haha!)
By the way, let your cat stop biting your network cable.

Then there may be a lot of tedious thing, but they are the most sincere words of fans.

1st. Do not stay up all night.
once a week is OK. we all know that you have to stay up for huyo's lives. Your body and hair are also important.

2nd. Eat well and Do not drink too much coke.
If you become bald head, huyo will not playing with you anymore!

3rd. Do not too focus on the "words "on the internet.
For those words, just ignore them. We all know that you are so good!!
At the end,I wish you will be very happy for this year's birthday. I hope that we can celebrate next year and every year thereafter.


